Assassination Attempts on American Presidents: A Historical Overview

 Assassination Attempts on American Presidents: 

A Historical Overview


Throughout American history, several U.S. Presidents have been targeted in assassination attempts. These events, which span from the 19th century to the present day, reveal the intense political and social tensions that have marked different periods of American history. This article provides an overview of notable assassination attempts, examining the context, motives, and outcomes of these events.

**1. The Early Years: 19th Century Attempts**

**1.1. Andrew Jackson (1835)**

- **Context:** On January 30, 1835, President Andrew Jackson faced the first recorded assassination attempt on a sitting U.S. President.

- **Details:** Richard Lawrence, a failed house painter, attempted to shoot Jackson while he was attending a funeral at the Capitol.

- **Outcome:** Lawrence’s pistols misfired, and Jackson, unharmed, subdued the assailant with his cane.

**1.2. Abraham Lincoln (1861 and 1865)**

- **Context:** Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President, was the target of two notable assassination attempts.

- **First Attempt (1861):** Before Lincoln’s inauguration, a plot to assassinate him in Baltimore was uncovered and thwarted by local authorities.

- **Second Attempt (1865):** On April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth successfully assassinated Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre.

**2. The 20th Century: A Period of Increased Threat**

**2.1. Theodore Roosevelt (1912)**

- **Context:** Theodore Roosevelt was not serving as President at the time of the attempt but was campaigning for a third term as a Progressive Party candidate.

- **Details:** On October 14, 1912, John Schrank shot Roosevelt in the chest during a campaign speech in Milwaukee.

- **Outcome:** The bullet was slowed by a glasses case and a folded speech, allowing Roosevelt to continue his speech before seeking medical attention.

**2.2. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933)**

- **Context:** President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt was targeted in an assassination attempt before his inauguration.

- **Details:** On February 15, 1933, Giuseppe Zangara attempted to shoot Roosevelt in Miami, Florida. The shot missed Roosevelt but killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.

- **Outcome:** Zangara was quickly apprehended and executed for his crime.

**2.3. Ronald Reagan (1981)**

- **Context:** On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was the target of an assassination attempt.

- **Details:** John Hinckley Jr. shot Reagan outside the Washington Hilton Hotel in an effort to impress actress Jodie Foster.

- **Outcome:** Reagan was critically injured but survived, and Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

**3. Recent Events: The Modern Era**

**3.1. Gerald Ford (1975)**

- **Context:** President Gerald Ford faced two assassination attempts in a single month.

- **First Attempt (September 5, 1975):** Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson, attempted to shoot Ford in Sacramento.

- **Second Attempt (September 22, 1975):** Sara Jane Moore also attempted to shoot Ford in San Francisco.

- **Outcome:** Neither attempt succeeded, and both assailants were apprehended and convicted.

**3.2. George H. W. Bush (1993)**

- **Context:** On April 13, 1993, a plot to assassinate former President George H. W. Bush was discovered.

- **Details:** The plot involved a planned attack during Bush’s visit to Kuwait by a group with ties to the Iraqi government.

- **Outcome:** The plot was foiled by U.S. and Kuwaiti authorities, preventing any harm to Bush.


Assassination attempts on U.S. Presidents have underscored the vulnerabilities faced by the highest office in the land. Each incident reflects broader historical and political contexts, from the challenges of the early republic to the complex security environment of the modern era. These attempts, while tragic and alarming, have also led to heightened security measures and greater vigilance in protecting the President of the United States.
